Skateboarding and How It Can Teach Youth Soccer Players
Unlike most of society, I respect and admire the hell out of skateboarders. In fact, I believe that our young soccer players and coaches...
Behaviors of Successful Soccer Parents
There is a relatively famous picture of Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez sitting back, relaxing, and watching their kids play soccer. You can...
5 Reasons to Stop Using Fitness as Punishment
“Losing team has to do ten pushups!” We hear this all the time on the practice field. “Pushups” is often substituted by sprints,...
4 Ways Yelling at Referees is Hurting Our Children
We see and hear it every single weekend on the youth soccer fields: “Come on, ref!” “What are you doing?!” “Are you blind?!” “Call it...
The Real Reason Kids Burn Out
In case you haven’t heard the statistic, 70% of kids in the US drop out of youth sports by the age of 13. The primary reason for this is...